SuperBark Sister Project BIORING: Building Blocks for Biobased Coatings

Can biocoatings be the answer to improve the sustainability and safety of current fossil-based coatings?

This is the goal of the CBE JU funded project BIORING, which develops biobased building blocks to create new high-performance biocoatings with enhanced thermomechanical performance, providing a viable alternative to existing fossil-based alternatives. The project has kicked-off from the same CBE JU 2022 funding call as SuperBark, and will span from June 2023 to May 2026.

BIORING aims to produce a versatile, robust and scalable solution for UV-curable polyurethane coatings with biogenic content of over 95%, based on biomass-derived photoreactive molecules, and validated on a semi-industrial scale on rigid substances like paper and plastic.

The biocoating solution is structured as a modular platform, which will allow the integration of new and different building blocks in the future, and which are relevant in a variety of industries including automotive and construction. Further, BIORING applies digital technologies to monitor economic and environmental sustainability of the processes. Biodegradability and recycling scenarios for coated products will also be assessed during the project.

The project brings together a consortium of 12 partners covering 5 countries, consisting of 4 SMEs, 3 RTDs, 3 large companies, 1 university, and 1 industrial association. The project is coordinated by The Spanish National Research Council.

Graphical summary of the BIORING project.

BIORING Objectives

  1. Provide a platform of renewable building blocks and oligomers from biomass as suitable constituents of tailor-made high-performance biobased UV curing coatings.
  2. Develop 2 novel 95% biobased formulations based on BIORING’s platform constituents for renewable biobased coatings.
  3. Provide results as a proof of improved performance, health, safety profile and end-of-life.
  4. Develop a process modelling framework that aligns the decisions to be taken in the process design and predict of the coating properties based on their formulation.
  5. Demonstrate the market and economic feasibility of new coatings by developing proofs of concept for two sectors (automotive and construction) and identifying broader market applications for BIORING’s platform.

Project Impact

  1. Diversify the product portfolio of bio-based polyurethane coatings and widen their range of applications.
  2. Increase the sustainability and circularity of bio-based coatings and improve their health and safety profile when compared with fossil-based coatings.
  3. Contribute to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and European leadership in the field of sustainability.
  4. Foster global competitiveness among European companies, including SMEs, while enabling them to comply with EU legislation.

Shared goals and collaboration

SuperBark has begun collaborations with the BIORING project, as the two project share the objective of developing safe and sustainable coatings solutions with over 95% bio-based content. Earlier in May, the SuperBark team participated in the BIORING SSbD Open Innovation Workshop, where experts in SSbD, LCA, chemicals, materials and process design & modelling, and data analytics met to discuss best practices in sustainability assessment in innovative processes. We look forward to partake in future joint activities to reach our common goals.

Follow the BIORING project developments on LinkedIn @BIORING or on X @bioring81541.

The project is supported by the Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking and its members. Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CBE JU. Neither the European Union nor the CBE JU can be held responsible for them.